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ACOUSTIGRAND 1900 - 1927

Pianos of admirable character were built by Chickering Brothers of Chicago Illinois. Company was not affiliated with the CHICKERING & SONS' piano company.

1900-500 1907-4600 1914-11500 1921-17800
1901-800 1908-5400 1915-12700 1922-18600
1902-1030 1909-6300 1916-13600 1923-19000
1903-1900 1910-7200 1917-14500 1924-19800
1904-2500 1911-8000 1918-15400 1925-20300
1905-3000 1912-9100 1919-16200 1926-20900
1906-3600 1913-10300 1920-17000 1927-21300

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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ACROSONIC 1936 - 2009

This distinctive and exclusive name designates a line of spinet and console pianos built by the Baldwin Piano Company. Coined from the Greek word,'akros,' meaning supreme and the Latin word, 'sonus,' meaning tone, the trade mark 'Acrosonic' is registered in the United States Patent Office. Acrosonics are famous for their beautifully compact styling, their tonal clarity and power and Baldwin's exclusive Full-Blow Action.

1936-2650001967-831583 1977-1104802 1987-1406054
1946-3650001968-851540 1978-1135737 1988-1432927
1956-5854541969-881087 1979-1180266 1989-1442402
1960-6798441970-912986 1980-1220374 1990-1431760
1961-7028061971-933476 1981-1253176 1991-1450068
1962-7237781972-953937 1982-1286178 1992-1463568
1963-7437721973-979129 1983-1324487 1993-1478744
1964-7631431974-1007687 1984-1343955 1994-1483157
1965-7840171975-1035719 1985-1365605 1995-1491127
1966-8037271976-1067508 1986-1383187 1996-1500324

See Acrosonic Spinet and Console

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Stencil name used by Music City, Denver, Co.

1960 - 91014 1966 - 109800 1972 - 127200 1978 - 144000
1961 - 92222 1967 - 112300 1973 - 130700 1979 - 145600
1962 - 94371 1968 - 116000 1974 - 135600 1980 - 148000
1963 - 97026 1969 - 120000 1975 - 137500 1981 - 150500
1964 - 100442 1970 - 121900 1976 - 140900 1982 - 145300

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This famous old industry was founded in 1908 by Peter Adler and was, after a long and honorable career, owned and controlled by his sons, who give personal attention to every department of the model factory and offices in Louisville Ky. The instruments produced were distinguished for their fine and durable qualities. The Studio Grand, an instrument of marked power and beauty was only five feet in length, and it has attained to great favor among discriminating classes of music lovers.

Pianos & Reed Organs of durable character. Adler Pianos were hand made, of solid wood such as Rosewood, Burled Walnut, Birds Eye Maple. Manufactured 500 such instruments a year. An Adler Piano is worth the effort to rebuild as a soon to be investment antique and example of hand made hierloom quality. Company also manufactured Loreto Organs and Southern Pianos. Disc. 1928

1910 - 500 1915 - 2500 1920 - 5000 1925 - 7500 1928 - 9500

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The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester was comprised of a series of separate and individual factories planned so that manufacturing of the various instruments was carried on in an entirely individual and distinct manner, and by separate organizations, each under direction of men who had been associated with each respective make for many years, thus preserving, unimpaired, the individual and distinctive qualities of each piano. Combined they made a great and powerful contribution to the art of music, for each of the great instruments they produced will continue providing magnificent music for generations to come. Name brands built in East Rochester include Chickering & Sons, J & C Fischer, Wm. Knabe, Mason & Hamlin, and George Steck.

H. B. Tremaine was a business genius who brought about the commercial exploitation of the piano player on a big scale. Tremaine's father had built a successful small business making and cranked table-top-sized mechanical organs, a very popular item in homes in the late 1800's. He founded the 'Aeolian Organ and Music Company' around 1888; the firm achieved considerable success with larger instruments and organs. His son took over in 1899 and immediately set about to apply his own business acumen to the company's affairs. With the newly perfected 'Pianola,' he launched an aggressive advertising campaign which was entirely new to the stodgy piano business. With four page color advertisements (almost unheard of in that day) published in the popular magazines, he literally stunned the piano industry with the message that here, indeed, was the answer to everyone's prayer for music in the home! Tremaine and Pianola built an enormous business empire over the next thirty years. It wasn't long after the turn of the century that it was deemed desirable to 'miniaturize' the clumsy Pianola and other similar, instruments so that they could be built directly inside the pianos. Within a few short years, the push up'players disappeared from the scene. By this time everyone got into the act, and every piano maker so manufactured a player of some sort.

This name is known the world over in connection with musical instruments, It is applied to some of the various products of the Aeolian Company of New York which instruments of renown included the Duo Art Pianola, Weber Pianola, Steck Pianola, Wheelock Pianola, Stuyvesant Pianola, Steinway Duo Art Pianola, Stroud Pianola the Aeolian Orchestrelle and the Aeolian Pipe Organ; it also controlled the Meludee Music Co., Inc., and the Universal Music Co.

1903-1900 1904-3000 1905-5400 1906-9000
1907-12000 1908-15000 1909-19000 1910-23000
1911-27000 1912-31000 1913-35000 1914-39000
1915-43000 1916-47000 1917-51000 1918-55000
1919-59000 1920-30000 1921-70000 1922-70000
1923-73000 1924-76000 1925-78000 1926-80000
1927-82000 1928-85000 1929-88000 1930-91000
1931-94000 1932-97000 1933-98000

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Piano lines controlled and manufactured by this Division listed alphabetically include Chickering & Sons, Wm. Knabe & Co., Mason & Hamlin and Weber. The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester consist of over 250,000 sq. ft. of space situated on over eight acres of land occupied and devoted exclusively to the manufacture of only pianos since 1906. Aeolian was one of America's largest producers of grand pianos. Instruments made by Aeolian American Division enjoyed an unquestioned reputation throughout the world


Aeolian - American was the consolidation of the American Piano Company, Aeolian Piano Company formerly Winter & Company, and Weber Piano Company. Factories were located at East Rochester N.Y., Worchester Ma. and Memphis, Tenn.

Aeolian probably produced more instruments than any other company in the U.S. Founded as Heller & Co. in 1899, later incorporated as Winter & Co. in 1903, the firm became affiliated with Sears Roebuck and Co. In 1941 William G. Heller, Henry R. Heller and associates acquired the Sears interest and devoted the production to defense work during World War II. Faith in the industry and the conviction that the piano industry needed someone to keep the venerable manufacturers in operation, Aeolian has acquired companies which would not otherwise have survived.

During 1960 the work force included only excellent craftsmen under the direction of people who had been associated with these fine makes for many years, thus preserving unimpaired the Individual and distinctive quality of each piano. The affiliation of the various houses that formed this large and powerful contributing force to the art of music, insures for each a wider scope for musical activity in that each of its units was of the highest quality in its grade, which had an extraordinary economy of production. This company's purchasing power contributed immeasurably to the integrity and value of instruments that were made in the various Divisions.

Aeolian Corporation, which in 1982 owned over 40 registered brand names, the product of merger and acquisitions over the years combining 16 domestic piano producers and the largest Canadian producer. Recognition was given by the trade to the various Aeolian lines is the best evidence that Aeolian Corporation pianos manufactured in Memphis and East Rochester, fulfilled every requirement in grands, studios, spinets, consoles and players in a variety of scales and finishes, as well as case designs. Aeolian produced not only the concert and beginners piano, but also for the artist and leisure time musician.

Although production ceased in 1982 and 1985 there are countless thousands of Aeolian -American pianos still in use throughout America, in private homes, schools, churches and rental fleets. They were not always the most expensive, and some of their designs were, while aesthetically correct they weren't always perfect, but they did and still do provide students with the perfect entry level piano ever made at a price that most families could afford.

A B Chase




Haines & Co.



Haines Bros.


Bent, George P.

W.P. Haines



Hallet & Davis





D.S. Buchanan

Heller & Company



Holmer & Sons


Cable, Fayette S.

Holmes & Co.






Ivers & Pond


Conover - Cable


George Steck

Cook, J.B.




Kranich & Bach


Duo - Art







Marshall & Wendell



Mason & Hamlin

Vose & Sons


Mehlin & Sons

R. W. Waude,

J & C. Fischer



Foster - Armstrong




Henry F. Miller


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See individual names for numbers not listed.

Aeolian distinguished itself as a piano maker, not merely an assembler. Aeolian plants produced pianos that were quality assured, one of the reasons that over the years many of the largest school systems in the United States have selected their pianos exclusively. In addition, broadcasting stations, colleges, music schools, universities, operas, and symphonies have countless Aeolian pianos in constant service, this was during the time that American Institutions purchased pianos on limited budgets, not as commercial endorsements or University and College Piano Sale locations.


















1901-28000 Apple smart keyboard serial number.




























For example, 'b' represents January and 'x' represents December.
Remington 81 serial numbers


















































































































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AERIOLA Est. 1955

Trade name used and controlled by the J.W. Jenkins Music Co. of Kansas City. Well made and reliable instruments by Aeolian.

1956 - 160000 1959 - 169000 1962 - 180000 1965 - 191000
1957 - 163100 1960 - 172000 1963 - 183000 1966 - 195000
1958 - 166000 1961 - 176000 1964 - 187000 1967 - 199000
1959 - 105000 1960 - 110000 1961 - 115000 1962 - 120000
1963 - 125000 1964 - 130000 1965 - 135000 1966 - 140000
1967 - 145000 1968 - 150000 1969 - 155000 1970 - 160000

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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ADAPTO - Circa 1850 - 1983

The name of a pIayer-piano action attachment applied to any upright piano. This attachment could be used as a mute, or insome cases rivets & tacks were added to make a rinky-tink like sound. Created and manufactured by the Lodenberg Piano Co., of Columbus. Ohio. (Used by most player piano companies.)

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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Established by Mr. C.A. Ahlstrom, who was a noted piano expert of the era and whose ideas aided in the development of the Piano Industry. The Ahlstrom 'ARTONE' piano was marked by several improvements, such as the non-blocking Action and a device for dividing tone volume, which enabled the production of a sustained pianissimo tone in the bass for the accompaniment, with the normal tone in the treble for melody. This device is used today by virtually every piano maker in the world as the left pedal on every vertical piano manufactured.

The 'ARTONE' name was used to designate the special characteristics of Ahlstrom Pianos because of their highly perfected construction and artistic tone. An Ahlstrom 'ARTONE' Upright piano may be worthy of rebuilding. One of the few upright-vertical pianos in the world worth the time and investment to do so. This also applies to the Player-Pianos known as the 'ARTONOLO,' and the Ahlstrom grands known as the 'ART-GRAND' and 'ART- REPRODUCING' Grand Expression - Reproducing Player Pianos - Not just a player piano but a player piano that plays with the exact amount of loud and soft expression by the artist. All 'ART-REPRODUCING' Pianos are collectors items that command very high prices.

1900 - 1000 1905 - 2900 1910 - 3900 1915 - 4900
1920 - 6600 1921 - 7200 1922 - 7800 1923 - 8600
1924 - 9150 1925 - 9870 1926 - 10480

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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Pianos bearing this name have an enviable reputation for superior workmanship, materials, tone qualities, beautiful case designs and customer satisfaction. This was one of the established piano houses that always strived to see how perfectly they could construct each piano. Each instrument was carefully inspected by Mr. Daniel Albert musician extraordinary, and expert piano builder wherever and whenever he was available. Pianos worth rebuilding.

1906 -1000 1909 -4000 1912 -7000 1915 -10000
1918 -13000 1920 -15000 1924 - 18600

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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Albrecht pianos were one of the first pianos made in America. Established in 1774 By Charles Albrecht of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. A little known historical fact is that an Albrecht Piano was located in Independence Hall on the day the declaration of Independence was signed. The first Albrecht Piano can be viewed at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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1956-160000 1959-169000 1962-180000 1965-191000
1957-163100 1960-172000 1963-183000 1966-195000
1958-166000 1961-176000 1964-187000 1967-199000

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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House's name of pianos sold by Sherman Clay, San Francisco, California, the unchallenged leader in music the same company that provided music to the entire west coast of America. Pianos were always of excellent and durable quality.

1905 - 10000 1906 - 13000 1907 - 19000 1910 - 36000
1915 - 61000 1920 - 86000 1924 - 14100 1925 - 15000
1926 - 17100 1928 - 18400

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Established in 1837, Built the better quality pianos in the 1920s, all well-built with a good solid tone. Style of frame found in uprights very similar to that used by Grotrian-Steinweg. Company taken over by Chappell.

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Established in 1902, Grand pianos were distinguished for their beautiful tone, their handsome and distinctive designs, their exquisite craftsmanship and great durability. Grand pianos were made one-at-a-time with the finest raw materials available. Some instruments were made under the name of long time piano maker B.G. Henderson.

1902-1000 1905-2000 1910-3000 1914-3900

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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Well known A Pennsylvania brand name throughout the Middle Eastern States.

1920 - 81000 1921 - 82900 1922 - 83900 1923 - 84900
1924 - 86600 1925 - 87800 1926 - 88800 1927 - 89600
1928 - 91500 1929 - 93700

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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This company was created as a 'combine' of the finest pianos the world has ever seen. Company was established in 1903, later to become Aeolian-American. Subsidiary Companies Chickering & Sons, Boston, Mass., established 1823 Wm. Knabe & Co., Baltimore, Md., established 1837 Mason & Hamlin Co., Boston established 1854 Armstrong Co., Rochester, N. Y. which includes the following subsidiary companies Haines Bros., established 1851 Marshall & Wendell Piano Co., established 1835 Franklin Piano Co. established 1894; Foster & Co. established 1881; Armstrong Piano Co. established in 1884; Brewster Piano Co., established 1883; The Amphion Co., established 1903; also, East Rochester Iron Works and The Ampico Corporation.

The American Piano Company organized in 1903. The affiliation of the various houses forming it insured for each a wider scope for musical activity, and valuable advantages in securing the best the world markets afford in materials which enter into piano construction. The wisdom of this important affiliation of various interests with similar ideals is apparent to any student of modern business methods disclosing such affiliation to be the uniting factor in the success of every great American institution of equal importance however, was the preservation of the individuality of the great houses forming this company. This individuality was preserved with scrupulous care. The Chickering was still made in Boston, where it has been made continuously for nearly a hundred years, in the great factory built through the foresight and vision of Jonas Chickering. The Chickering organization and personnel directed its construction and preserved the high ideals of the founder. The Knabe made in Baltimore since 1837, was still constructed there with all the Knabe traditions in the hands of those who received their inspiration from the elder Knabe. In Rochester the Foster-Armstrong Company embraced in a series of factories in which the individuality of various pianos was preserved and directed by its separate organizations Haines Bros., Marshall & Wendell, Franklin, Foster, Armstrong and The American Piano Company also manufactured the Ampico, which was obtainable in several of the pianos made at its various divisions.

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The American Player-Piano Co. was established in 1902. Many thousands of these instruments have been sold, and they give perfect satisfaction. The industry is controlled by Bjur Bros. Co. of New York, which has won a place of distinction in the musical world. A player of first-class quality and perfectly safe to purchase.

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This firm purchased an entire building located at 1307-17 Utica Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., where complete modern factory facilities have been installed. On these premises are produced the Amerling line of fine console-grand, studio and grand pianos.

Amerling pianos are custom built with old world touch and new world technique. Amerling instruments are invested with a century of knowledge and tradition and bring to each owner a pride and prestige that only 100 years of experience and progress can produce in the specific art of pianoforte construction.

The Amerling line of console-grands includes such features as 'Direct Grand Blow Action' (produces richer tone and reduces wear and tear on action); 'Centertone Bridge' (transmits sound waves to grand crown soundboard without distortion); 'Grand Crown' (spruce tapered soundboard of finest quality as used in concert grands); 'Grand Locked Uniscale' (fortified, even balanced side to afford pure, even tone).Amerling pianos are available in French and Italian Provincial, Modern, Contemporary and Traditional designs, and are finished in a wide variety of attractive color-tones. Highly endorsed by leaders in radio, theatrical and television fields, Amerling pianos also enjoy fine acceptance among well-known decorators.

1959-10500 1960-11000 1961-11500 1962-12000 1963-12500
1964-13000 1965-13500 1966-14000 1967-14500 1968-15000
1969-15500 1970-16000

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The ordinary player-piano has only one basic function, that of striking the notes. The reproducing piano added the ability to recreate the touch, the shadings, the nuances, of the original recording - all the expression characteristics, and making the difference between purely mechanical sounds and true artistry. The paper roll was obliged, therefore, to include extra perforations which carried the 'expression information' in coded form. These codes, which bear a resemblance to the language of modern computers, were either captured at the time of the initial recording or added later in an editing process. The reproducing piano was equipped with apparatus to 'read' these expression holes and to reconstruct the exact expression of a piece while other holes played the notes. Today, when we hear the words 'digitally enhanced,' we think of a highly-sophisticated disc electronic sound system replete with elaborate and costly loudspeakers, a magnificent cabinetry tailored to fit properly into one's home and all backed up by extensive marketing and advertising by numerous manufacturers.

One wonders how anything could possibly sound finer. Yet to many, the true ultimate in 'digital piano' occurred when the reproducing piano reigned supreme in its ability to re-create 'live' the performances of great keyboard artists right in the home.

The American Piano Company introduced its device to the market and called it the Ampico. It was based on the designs of an eccentric mechanical genius, one Charles Fuller Stoddard. Stoddard, whose home was a maze of newfangled contraptions of his own design, spent the last few years of his life entertaining the world's greatest piano virtuosos who would record on his unique Ampico recording piano. Ampico reproducing systems were eventually installed in such fine pianos as the Mason & Hamlin, the Knabe, the Chickering, the Beale in Australia, and the Willis in Canada.

In the mid-twenties, the Ampico Corporation engaged a scientist, Dr. Clarence Hickman, to completely re-engineer the Ampico reproducing system and roll making process. His work resulted in the so-called 'Model B' Ampico pianos which represented the highest possible standards of technology available at the time. Hickman developed the famous 'spark chronograph' method of capturing expression characteristics of individual pianists and today, the 'Model B' Ampico pianos are in great demand by collectors, and at prices that go right through the roof, $100,000 to $200,000 in mint condition.

Hickman recognized that the best way to measure expression is in terms of the energy imparted directly to the piano strings by the piano's hammers. He devised a scheme by which the velocity, and hence the energy, of each hammer could be measured just prior to hitting the string. This information was then directed to a recording device and the coded expression holes were adapted directly to the master production roll. Hickman was also a renowned expert on explosives, and he is responsible for the development of the tank-busting recoilless rifle, the 'bazooka,' which helped the United States secure victory in World War II. The bazooka is named after still another musical instrument, but that's another story.

The Ampico received the highest endorsement of artists and musical critics

1920-81000 1923-84900 1926-88800 1929-93700
1921-82900 1924-86600 1927-89600 1930-94000
1922-83900 1925-87800 1928-91500 1931-97000

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Timer created by Ampico to turn on precisely on the hour, plays a short selection and strike the hour throughout the day.

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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Imported by F.T. Anderson, New York,. Built by Ricca Piano Company

1956-160000 1959-169000 1962-180000 1965-191000
1957-163100 1960-172000 1963-183000 1966-195000
1958-166000 1961-176000 1964-187000 1967-199000

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Good quality vertical and grand pianos handmade in New Jersey and New York. Production about 500 pianos a year. Excellent rebuilt project. The Angelus reproducing piano made and distributed by the Premier Grand Piano Corp. was a fine piano. It reproduced the playing of the world's great pianists exactly true to life. These remarkable results are due to the employment of the famous Angelus recording and expression devices.

1912-1000 1915-3400 1918-5400 1921-7500
1913-1500 1916-4200 1919-6000 1922-8000
1914-2600 1917-4800 1920-6700

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Name applied to a small 4' 7' grand piano equipped with an electric candelabra. Built for small apartments, very popular in the Chicago and Mid West United States. Circa 1920 - 1933. By Lyon & Healy Chicago Ill.

Piano values will vary with age, type of wood, style and condition.

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Established as Clark 1901-. The trademark 'Apollo' was one of the best known and most widely advertised names in the world. The Apollo reproducing system was created and manufactured by Welte, with values similar to the Ampico collection. Welte piano rolls contain many of the worlds greatest artists and composers of the time. by Wurlitzer DeKalb Ill.

The trade-mark 'Apollo' is one of the best known and most widely advertised names in the piano trade, both in this and foreign countries, in many of which the trade mark has been registered and a large business established The name was first used by Melville Clark Piano Co of De Kaib, Illinois The name Apollo has been for some years past the name of a very high grade line of grand pianos and reproducing grand pianos manufactured by The Apollo Piano Company. The name is now known principally as a brand of a reproducing mechanism of the highest order of perfection. This mechanism possesses many exclusive features and iii this field is unexcelled. The Apollo has a large and constantly growing library of rolls containing the names of the world ' greatest composers and pianists, the nucleus of which is the famous Welte library to which most of the worlds leading musicians have contributed. The Apollo mechanism is found only in Wurlitzer and Apollo pianos.

1901-2075 1911-17800 1921-45000 1931-112000
1902-4000 1912-19600 1922-49000 1932-118000
1904-7000 1914-23200 1924-58000 1934-130000
1905-8700 1915-24400 1925-63000 1935-132000
1906-10000 1916-26800 1926-77000 1936-135000
1907-11500 1917-29000 1927-80000 1937-137000
1908-13000 1918-32800 1928-87000 1938-150000
1909-14500 1919-36000 1929-95000 1939-155000
1910-16000 1920-40000 1930-106000

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Founded by the Daewoo corporation of Seoul, Korea, in 1976. Arirang pianos are manufactured using only the highest quality materials gathered from all four corners of the world. Four Grand Piano Models and Four Uprights make up the Hyundai Arirang line. A variety of polyester and lacquer give the Arirang line added versatility.

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549 W.42nd Street New York, Est. 1906, Company sold to Braumuller in 1921, Trade Mark Braumuller, also made Baumeister. Produced 60,000 pianos in 15 years. These pianos are worthy of restoration. Grand pianos were distinguished for their beautiful tone, their handsome and distinctive designs, their exquisite craftsmanship.

1920 - 81000 1921 - 82900 1922 - 83900 1923 - 84900
1926 - 88800 1929 - 93700 1924 - 86600 1925 - 87800
1927 - 89600 1928 - 91500

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Trademark name on pianos of durable character by Elbel Bros., South Bend, Md.

1905 - 53000 1914 - 73600 1923 - 84900 1906 - 55400
1915 - 74000 1924 - 86600 1907 - 57600 1916 - 75600
1925 - 87800 1908 - 59900 1917 - 78000 1926 - 88700

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This name now familiar as applied to pianos is that of the M.Schulz Co. reproducing piano. The Aria Divinas were artistic instruments in every way from case designs to tone and accuracy with which the performances of great pianists are reproduced with perfect ease by the performer. The Aria Divina is an instrument of artistic character in which are features of notable achievement. In everything that was advanced in the latest development of the instruments by which the actual performances of the world's greatest pianists were instantly reproduced in any parlor the Aria Divina stood.

1920-147500 1923-170000 1926-202000 1929-226000
1921-155000 1924-180000 1927-210000 1930-230000
1922-162500 1925-190000 1928-218000

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ARION Philadelphia, Pa.

Name used on pianos by various piano merchants. The original was an excellent commercial piano around the turn of the century.

1900 - 1000 1915 - 4900 1922 - 7800 1925 - 9870
1905 - 2900 1920 - 6600 1923 - 8600 1926 - 10480
1906 - 1000 1912 - 7000 1918 - 13000 1922 - 17000
1909 - 4000 1915 - 10000 1920 - 15000 1924 - 18600

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A very old piano name found upon instruments produced by the American Piano Company.

1900 - 43000 1909 - 62000 1918 - 79000 1927 - 89600
1901 - 45000 1910 - 63700 1919 - 80200 1928 - 91500
1902 - 47000 1911 - 65500 1920 - 81100 1929 - 93700
1903 - 49000 1912 - 67800 1921 - 82900
1904 - 51000 1913 - 71000 1922 - 83900
1905 - 53000 1914 - 73600 1923 - 84900
1906 - 55400 1915 - 74000 1924 - 86600
1907 - 57600 1916 - 75600 1925 - 87800
1908 - 59900 1917 - 78000 1926 - 88700

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Was made by the Armstrong Piano Company factory located in Rochester, N. Y. The quality of the Armstrong was best described by the company's slogan, 'Sound in Body and Musical in Soul.' The Armstrong was noted for refinement of case design, great durability and beautiful tone quality. The Armstrong player-pianos were among the most widely known of the reliable instruments on the market. Armstrong pianos had been used in the Rochester Public Schools with practical exclusiveness for many years. The name of this instrument was that of a prominent officer of the American Piano Co., a gentleman of long experience in the piano industry and personally one of the foremost influences in the line of work to which he is devoted.

1900-43000 1909-62000 1918-79000 1927-89600
1901-45000 1910-63700 1919-80200 1928-91500
1902-47000 1911-65500 1920-81100 1929-93700
1903-49000 1912-67800 1921-82900 1930-94000
1904-51000 1913-71000 1922-83900 1931-94100
1905-53000 1914-73600 1923-84900 1932-94300
1906-55400 1915-74000 1924-86600 1933-94400
1907-57600 1916-75600 1925-87800 1934-95800
1908-59900 1917-78000 1926-88700 1935-96000

Verticals & Grands Built by Aeolian after 1959:

1960-364200 1966-397700 1972-420500 1978-440000
1961-370700 1967-401500 1973-424900 1979-444000
1962-376900 1968-405200 1974-430300 1980-446900
1963-383100 1969-407500 1975-433400 1981-449700
1964-387900 1970-410900 1976-436900 1982-452400
1965-392000 1971-415600 1977-438000

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This was the name applied by the Steger & Sons Piano Mfg. Company of Chicago and Steger, Illinois, to a line of pianos and player pianos of high character produced by the Artemis Division of that industry. The instruments were very reliable. They were noted for beautiful tone and admirable designs. The construction of Artemis pianos and player pianos was thoroughly dependable. The popularity of the Artemis line of pianos had made it a national institution. The success as popular, moderate priced instruments had been achieved on the basis of merit. Considerations such as overall condition should be made before investing in a complete rebuild unless there is sentimental value involved.

1901- 3500 1902- 4500 1903- 5500 1904- 6500
1905- 7500 1906- 8500 1907-10000 1908-11500
1909-13000 1910-14500 1911-16000 1912-17500
1913-19000 1914-20000 1915-21000 1916-23700
1 917-25500 1918-27000 1919-28500 1920-30000
1921-31500 1922-33000 1923-34000 1924-35000
1925-36000 1926-37000 1927-38000 1928-39000

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Name used by Bamberger's Department store on a reliable piano

1920 - 81000 1923 - 84900 1926 - 88800 1929 - 93700
1921 - 82900 1924 - 86600 1927 - 89600 1922 - 83900
1925 - 87800 1928 - 91500

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This name was employed by Ahlstrom Piano Co., of Jamestown, N.Y. to designate the special characteristics of the Ahlstrom pianos, because of their highly perfected construction and artistic tone. The makers considered them a classic among pianos and therefore featured as the Ahlstrom 'ARTONE' pianos, the players being known as the 'Artonolo' and the grands as 'Arto-Grand' and 'Art Reproducing,' these names being derivatives of 'ARTONE.'

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This is the distinguishing name adopted by the Schumann Piano Co. of Rockford, Ill., The Art O Tone was first introduced at the annual convention of the piano trades in Chicago.

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1920 - 81000 1923 - 84900 1926 - 88800 1929 - 93700
1921 - 82900 1924 - 86600 1927 - 89600 1922 - 83900
1925 - 87800 1928 - 91500

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Astin - Weight makes two sizes of uprights: a 41' console in several styles and finishes, and a 50' upright in walnut, and in 1981, a 5'9' grand, with a soundboard area equivalent to that of an eight-foot grand. The latest addition to the Astin-Weight range is the most unusually shaped grand made in America. By changing the shape, the company has found a way to increase soundboard area by about 45% in vibrating area. The Bass strings on this piano are about 18' longer than ordinary 5'9' grand bass strings, and the resulting tone quality, for a piano this size, is phenomenal.

Astin Weights is very different from that of any other piano made anywhere else in the world. In fact, the company claims to make 'America's most unique pianos.' Backs of ordinary pianos have several wooden posts for strengthening the overafl string structure; Astin-Weights have no posts in back. Instead of a corn-bination of wood and metal to hold the 20 tons of string tension, Astir-Weights have a massive four-corner iron plate that is designed to take the stress of the strings without wooden posts, resulting in greater tuning stability for the instru-ments. This innovation, however, was not original with Astin-Weight: many Euro-pean upright pianos have had similar construction for over 40 years.

The really important innovation in Astin-Weights is the soundboard construction. Console-size pianos have never had any real tonal depth. The soundboards in small pianos have always been too small to transmit the lower frenuencies of sound. particularly in the bass. A fair generalization, one might say 'the bigger the soundboard, the richer the sound.' Astin-Weight console, the size of the soundboard was increases so that its surface area is roughly equivalent to the soundboards of the 54' upright pianos, resulting in a very real improvement over conventionally designed consoles. In fact, the performance of these pianos is superior to most home-size grands. The 50' upright has the same type of design difference as the smaller pianos have. A very massive iron plate and a soundboard as large as that of a semi-concert grand, actual square inch measurement. (To do this by conventional means, an upright would have to be at least 60' tall.) The resulting overall tonality is one that has not been heard in uprights for 50 years. There is no question about this perfor-mance being superior to that of other uprights.

The only question is, how superior? In the center of the keyboard, the tone is rich and full. In the bass, there is unprecented depth, and the upper treble is strong and clear. The UG-50 is fitted with Pratt-Read's finest upright action, affording maximum performance; the ac-tion is beautifully regulated for the fullest control and has that delight of the accomplished pianist, a full sostenuto. All Astin-Weights are made in the Utah mountain climate, and wood is kiln-and-air-dried down to a moisture content lower than that of pianos made in damper climates. This ensures both tuning and tonal stability over a long life expectancy.

1959-1000 1968-10000 1977-19000 1987-29000
1960-2000 1969-11000 1978-20000 1988-30000
1961-3000 1970-12000 1979-21000 1989-31000
1962-4000 1971-13000 1980-22000 1990-32000
1963-5000 1972-14000 1981-23000 1991-33000
1964-6000 1973-15000 1982-24000 1992-34000
1965-7000 1974-16000 1983-25000 1993-35000
1966-8000 1975-17000 1984-26000 1994-36000
1967-9000 1976-18000 1985-27000 1995-37000

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This company was owned and controlled by the Bacon Piano Co., New York City, of which Mr. W. P. H. Bacon was president. This piano manufacturing concern was named in honor of John Jacob Astor, who founded the Bacon Piano Company in the year 1789. The Astor Piano Co. produced uprights and player-piano instruments that were notable for their beautiful resonant tone and handsome and distinctive case designs. The Astor Piano was renown for it's quality and workmanship. The Astor Piano is an excellent instrument to consider rebuilding.

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August Förster moved to Löbau and studied the fundamental principles of piano making with Mr. Hieke and Karl August Eule. In 1854, August Förster passed his exam as a piano maker. After years of work in different towns, full of good ideas he returned to his home in the region of the Oberlausitz. On April 1st, 1859, August Förster established a small workshop in Löbau, where he made his first piano. 1862 he established the first factory building in the suburbs of the town in today's Jahn street. This factory has been developed into a modern plant during the last decades. August Förster died in 1897 and his son Cäsar Förster took over the management of the factory. After the early death of Cäsar Förster in 1915 his two sons, the ingenious piano maker Gerhard Förster and the businessman Manfred Förster continued the company founded by their grandfather. Revolutionary constructions like the quarter-tone grand piano and the elektro cord were created before the Second World War.

1873- 900 1924- 50000 1960-122500 1974-147500
1880- 1700 1929- 60000 1961-124000 1976-150000
1886- 5000 1937- 73000 1966-134000 1978-152000
1898-10000 1948- 85000 1968-137500 1980-154000
1904-15000 1950- 86300 1970-140500 1990-161000
1910-25000 1952-102000 1972-143500 1996-164200

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One of the strongest and most enterprising of the American player- piano industries. The success of this factory had been such that the factory floor space embraced more than 300,000 square feet with an annual capacity of 10,000 player pianos. The Autopiano Company had for years exported its popular product to sections of the world, and the Autopiano was notable for its remarkable expression capabilities and staunch durability. It resisted the climatic extremes of the Arctic regions and the tropical zone equally well.

Being manufactured by player-piano specialists, in large factories devoted exclusively to the manufacture of player-pianos, and having an expert knowledge of the exact requirements of the foreign trade, were all leading reasons why the Autopiano Company proposition was unusually attractive and appealing. The Autopiano line embraced a comprehensive assortment of prices and styles, including upright players, reproducing pianos and grand player-pianos. This company manufactured the Autopiano, the Autopiano Electric Expression, the Autopiano Grand, the Autopiano Welte-Mignon (licensed), the Autopiano Welte-Mignon (licensee) Grand, and the Pianist Player-piano.

It was said that there were twice as many Autopiano's in use as any other player piano. The Autopiano was a thoroughly high grade piano, containing a player mechanism of marvelous attainments in which a great number of patented devices that make possible interpretation of the highest order on the Autopiano. The Autopiano received the highest awards at the following expositions: Grand Highest Award, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exhibition, 1909; Grand Prix, Rotterdam, Holland, International Musical Exhibition, 1909; Gold Medal, Manchester, England, Industrial Exhibition, 1910; Gold Medal. Manchester Coronation Exhibition, 1911; Highest Award, Appalachian Exposition, Knoxville, Tenn., 1911; Gold Medal, Second Insular Fair, Porto Rico, 1911; Festival of Empire, London, England, 1911; Grand Prix, International Exposition, Petrograd, Russia, 1911; Grand Premix, International Exposition, Turn Italy, 1911; Gold Medal, International Exhibition, Leeds, England, ibis; Grand Prix and Diploma of Honor, Anglo-American Exhibition at London, England, in 1914; and the Gold Medal and Diploma of Honor, International Exposition at Lyons, France 1914. The State Commissioners of more than twenty States officially selected the Ethiopian for they're, respective State Buildings at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Ca. , 1915. The New Mexico and Washington State Buildings of the Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, Cal. 1915, also officially selected the Autopiano. In addition to this practically universal selection at these last two named exposition. , The Autopiano received at the San Francisco Panama-Pacific International Exposition the following awards: (1) The medal of Honor; (2) Gold Medal; (S) Silver Medal.

The Autopiano was also an official purveyor to the royal families of Japan and is in the palaces of Prince Shidlnadya and Prince ITO; they also enjoy this distinction in Korea where Prince Ye of the reigning dynasty had an Autopiano in his palace. Puccini used an Autopiano, and Victor Herbert the composer expressed his appreciation of this instrument.

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As a player, using any eighty-eight note music roll, it was the Autopiano itself, electrically pumped. As a reproducing piano using the Welte-Mignon reproducing record, it presented the exact 'tonal portrait' of the artist. Every gradation of tone, every change of the tempo, every dynamic modification was unerringly reproduced. The world's master pianists, most eminent composers recorded their art for the Welte-Mignon Model of The Autopiano.

This company of distinguished musicians includes Paderewski, Hofmann, Busoni, dePachmann. D'Albert, Lhevinne. Bloomfield-Zeisler, Sauer, Gabrilowitsch, Scharwenka, Ganz, Schelling, Caireno, Spross, Grieg, R. Strauss, Samaroff, Epstein, Fryer, Mero, LaForge, Saint)Saens, Leschetizky, Debussy, Leoncavallo, Lamond, Nikisch, Humperdinck and many others, as well as all the late popular lists played by New York's finest jazz artists.

The remarkable effects produced by the Welt-Mignon Model of the Autopiano (licensed) were made possible by the use of the Auto de Luxe Welte-Mignon player mechanism (licensee). The faithful recording of the artist's performance are procured by a secret process. How carefully the secret is guarded is demonstrated by the fact that no other reproducing piano has been able to approximate the results achieved through the Welt-Mignon mechanism, using the Welt Artist reproducing records. This instrument has been submitted to various comparison tests of the severest nature. And in every instance has been triumphant. The Welte-Mignons Model of The Autopiano (licensee) was, therefore, a great achievement in a double sense, in that it had artistic possibilities, second to none.

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J. Stevens Arms Company Serial Numbers

A high class player-piano manufactured in the Autotone Department of Hardman, Peck & Co., New York City. The Autotone possesses a number of exclusive features. Among which are: The Accentors, which accomplishes the 'human touch' the ability to properly accent the melody; the 'loud' pedal, the Selector, enabling one to run through a roll quickly and silently until the special part one has selected to play is reached; the Transposing Adjustor. Enabling one to transpose any composition from its original key specially valuable in accompanying singers and which also insures perfect adjustment of the music roll should it ever be affected by climatic changes: and the graduating lever by means of which the amount of tone can be he regulated the same as by the soft pedal; the Repertoire, containing an inexhaustible wealth of music of every kind. Unless the name Autotone, (spelled exactly as it sounds) appears on the fall board, the instrument is not genuine. The Autotone is made with two (and only two) basic pianos)Hardman and Harrington. Unless the basic piano is one of these, the instrument is not an Autotone, The Autotone is not a combination of a player mechanism made in one factory and piano made by another concern. It is, on the contrary, a complete player-piano of, the highest class, every portion of which player action, piano action and entire piano itself being made in one factory under the personal supervision of the experts of Hardman, Peck & Co.

1960-121100 1966-134300 1972-142900 1978-150900
1961-123400 1967-136000 1973-144700 1979-150300
1962-126200 1968- N/A 1974-146500 1980-151100
1963-128500 1969- N/A 1975-147600 1981-151800
1964-130500 1970- N/A 1976-148700 1982-152200
1965-132000 1971-141100 1977-149900 1983-153100

Serial Numbers Office

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Autopiano Company Serial Numbers